Friday, February 19, 2010

Happy Weekend!

I can't believe it is Friday already. Time is flying around here. I think it's because I'm so busy getting my Oh, Susanna jewelry business back up and running. A friend in Tucson has offered to sell my jewelry in her art studio/gallery and I'm really excited about this! So I have dusted off everything, priced it and we'll drive down there tomorrow to deliver it and help her set up a display area for it.

So life is good. In fact it's great. Being busy is a great way to keep my mind off of food. No, I don't miss the weigh in every morning, and I think it has been a good change for me. I am a little anxious about my next weigh in (next Wednesday) because I want it to reflect LOSS! But focusing more on what I am eating rather than numbers may be a good way for me to proceed, at least for a while. I've also been doing more hypnosis as I know that that puts my subconscious mind to work for me to keep my goals clear.

Since we'll be away for the next couple of days, I'll take a little break from the blog. So check back Sunday, and if you don't meet up with me then, I will be looking for you on Monday. Happy Weekend!

1 comment:

priscilla said...

This is great news about your jewelry! xxoopearl(speaking of jewels...)

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