Monday, February 1, 2010

195.0 Jumping Up and Holding On

I'm wondering about something.... When I hit a new low, why do I go up about a pound and then stay stuck there for a while. It's an obvious pattern of mine as I look over the past several months of this weight loss program. I wonder if this is a common experience with others who are trying to lose weight or is this one of my very unique eccentricities. Can you have unique eccentricites or is that repetitive? Anyway, what I'm thinking about, with the help of my inner spirit, is that maybe I'm holding on to the weight like I hold on to the "comfort zone" of my past. How much do I really want to lose more weight? How comfortable am I with the idea of losing more weight?

I'm going to work on this with self hypnosis to reinforce the idea in my mind that losing more weight is what I want to do. I would love to hear any thoughts you may have if you are experiencing this same phenomenom.

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

I recently reached one of my "goals" and since I've lingered right beneath it, even though I've kept working out and tried tried tried to stick to my eating habits. I really do think the body needs time to adjust to loosing, and needs a few days to adjust and start going down again.

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