Tuesday, February 2, 2010

194.6 Exercise As A Habit

In my dentist's office there is a poster that reads,"Twice a day, brush only the teeth you want to keep!" It always makes me smile because it is so simple and yet so important. This morning I was having a discussion with myself about how I was going to fit exercise into my day today. I am realizing that exercise has become an ingrained habit just like brushing my teeth. When I was very little my mom had to brush my teeth for me. As I got older I could do it myself but she would have to remind me. And eventually it was a habit and I would just brush my teeth. I didn't agonize about when I would do it, if I would do it, if I could skip it on a given day. Unfortunately exercise was not a habit that was ingrained in me as a young child or as an older child. Oh, I had gym class 3 times a week through high school, but that didn't involve choice. Once I left that environment and went on to college, I didn't exercise on purpose. I'd walk, but that was just something I did in order to reach another goal, to get to class or the library.

Since I have taken on this weight loss journey, I have had to add exercise to my life and I realize that it has a lot in common with brushing my teeth. By doing it regularly exercising has become a habit. I used to dilly dally around about it but what I learned is that I always have felt great both physically and emotionally once I just did it. I have never finished my walk or left the gym thinking that I wished I hadn't done that. And now it's not a choice I make everyday. It is something I do everyday. The question is not whether I am going to exercise, but what am I going to do and when am I going to do it. This body has gotten more slender, stronger and healthier since I have started exercising daily. And, I want to keep it that way.


priscilla said...

I have an (almost) daily exercise routine. When I start fighting with myself as to whether I'm going to do it, I decide that I'll only do it for half the time (or if I'm really down about it, 1/4 of the time). Almost always, once I get going, I exercise for the entire time. Also, if I'm going to take a nap or read before exercising, I put on my exercise clothes so that I'm ready to go!

lynseym said...

It's hard to squeeze in exercise when we start trial work at 7:15 am and stop work at midnight, but this trial we're putting the best effort forward to get up extra early and workout more. It set a good tone today when after my cold outdoor run, I stopped at the gas station for a v8. Food on trial? Always eating out and sometimes not our choices. Exercising? In my control. (but BEDTIME? ha ha I'll catch up eventually.)

Anonymous said...

I read the comments and am feeling like a "lump". I am no where near as industrious as the rest of you. I'll keep trying, though... My trainer at PT informed me that the reason I am having "pain issues" is that I am trying to do too much too soon. Frustrating. So, I'm "backsliding" to two reps of 15 each for each exercise instead of 3.

Wish I could walk more but will have to take that a day at a time, too.

On the plus side: I am going to PT 3 times a week for approx. an hour each session.

I have dropped 3 clothing sizes and,thanks to you, Sue, I am wearing all the clothes you passed on to me.

The words "slender" and "weight loss" are still eluding me but I have high hopes that a miracle will happen and I will strt losing fat as well as gaining muscle. Sigh...


Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Susan M Miller