Friday, February 5, 2010

194.0 Bring Your Own Scale, Sue

We are driving up to Prescott this afternoon and so I am writing earlier than usual. By the way, if you aren't familiar with Prescott, AZ, it is a wonderful little town full of Old West history and architecture, and it's a great place to visit. Both my sister Barbara and my cousin Steve and their families live there so we have a great time whenever we head up that way.

I always feel a little nudgie when I stay with friends and family. Why? It's all about the food. Even though my Prescott relatives know what I am up to with this weight loss program, it's hard. It's hard because I'll be faced with new food options and therefore challenges. I know I will have a good time, but I need to stay on message, as they say, so that I don't become unaware of what I am eating and how much, etc. So I'll report back, and, the scale will know. There's a thought, Sue. Bring your own scale so you don't have to ask to borrow one. Keep it easy.

I may not blog tomorrow, but maybe I will. As I have said before, you never know with me in charge:) Happy Weekend!

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