Sunday, February 21, 2010

Cheater's Remorse

Well, I cheated. No I didn't go to McDonald's and load up on fries and a Big Mac, or eat a big piece of pie with ice cream, but I weighed myself, before my week was over. And, it was not a pretty site. I was up over a pound and my spirit was crushed. Now we have to remember that I am continually learning how to master effective weight loss for the long haul. I don't know of a book that has ever been written on this topic because everything out there is about quick weight loss, instant gratification, and I am doing the opposite. But I have to tell you that I was heartbroken that my weight had popped up, again. I thought that if I took away the daily, obligatory weigh in piece that somehow I would lose more weight. I haven't weighed myself since that recent morning because we were away from my familiar scale. But I will weigh myself tomorrow morning and every morning thereafter.

So what have I been doing since I experienced this cheater's remorse? I have been doing a lot of thinking about my behavior around food and have come up with a few ideas about why I am so stuck. First off, I started having a little wine. That's not so bad, but a little wine led to a couple appetizers (if we were with others at their home or ours), which led to eating a little more than half a normal serving of the entree and suddenly there wasn't half to save to take home so why not just finish it this time. I think you see where I am going. A little more here and a little more there and I am in trouble.

I am trying to go back to how I behaved when I started this program. I remember coming out in the morning with a silly grin on my face and in my heart because I had lost a half a pound or more since the day before. That hasn't happened in a long time and I want that back. But I have to change my behavior to achieve that so here I go again. I've let myself down, but am determined to pick myself back up and keep going. Hang in there with me!

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