Wednesday, November 4, 2009

205.4 Breaking the Habit...With Sugarless Gum!

This morning I went over to the community center to see if there was any interest in my jewelry making class. There was nada! But that was just fine. I worked on designing a necklace while I was there, and I had a great chat with my friend, Annis. She is the one who gets the credit for suggesting sugarless gum when the night-time hunger pains strike! I was telling her today that since I started using the gum at night, my hunger issues at 10 PM have disappeared. It just seems clear that so much of my eating was habitual, in addition to being emotional, etc. Having supportive friends has been such a gift!

Even if you already read yesterday's blog, Drawing The Line, check out the end of it. Jeff added something fun!

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