Saturday, November 14, 2009

205.4 Get Me Off This Plateau!

Let's just name it! I am stuck, but calling it a plateau gives it a bit of a French connotation, yes? I swam and walked today and was very aware of all I ate, so we will see what happens tomorrow. How do you say in French, "Get me off this plateau!"?

In spite of not liking the scale much lately, I have had some very special things happen. Yesterday when I was out walking I saw two friends who hadn't seen me since last spring and they were blown away by the change in how I look. They said they didn't recognize me at first. And today, a gal whom I hadn't seen in about 2 months said she couldn't believe the change! It was great to hear the praise and delight they shared with me about my success so far. I love the compliments but I am also hearing a small voice saying, "Maybe you don't have to lose any more weight since, according to your friends, you look so good!" But I keep reminding myself that that is not the point, it's just one part of this journey. I want great health, to feel younger, to be able to really play with my grandsons and lift and hold and play with any more grandchildren that I may be blessed with. So lookin' good is good, but reaching my goal is going to be the best.

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