Tuesday, November 17, 2009

204.8 My 90th Post!

Not that I'm counting:)...! Actually, blogspot, my blog address counts them for me. It would really be great if blogspot would also remove some of my weight occasionally. Let's say for every ten blogs, a pound would mysteriously slip away. But, I don't think that is going to happen.

I am off to the closest shopping area. Close is relative when you live in the far north reaches of Scottsdale. We do have a Target and an Office Max about 15 minutes away so that is where I am headed. My plan is to walk the exterior of the whole shopping area and the interiors of the Safeway, Target, and Office Max. Variety is good and I am ready for a change in my walking routine. And I may as well confess, this shopping center is also where Chico's is located. I just may have to walk through Chico's, too.

Oh, yesterday I went to my rehab doctor and she couldn't believe her eyes. She hadn't seen me since July when I weighed 222 pounds. She put me through my paces and as usual checked for reflexes in my knees and ankles (cankles:). I haven't had any reflexes there since my first back surgery 6 years ago, and we both laughed as she tried one more time. Actually, I have gotten along just fine without those reflexes and am not quite sure why most people have them. It was a great visit but a little sad because she said she really didn't need to see me anymore. When she said it made her day to see me doing so well, that made my day.

1 comment:

priscilla said...

A reflex must be like an appendix or your tonsils. Or maybe fat. They're really not necessary!!

Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Susan M Miller