Monday, March 28, 2011

176.2 52 Pick Up!

Remember that not so fun joke we used to play on one another. It was really only fun if you were the one who got to throw the cards up in the air!

My life is a little like 52 pick up today, but that's good news. I'm in the midst of trying to memorize at least 500 - 1,000 words for the student/adult spelling bee I'm participating in on Wednesday night to benefit the local school system. I've been working on this for a while, but now the pressure is really on. I don't have to win, but I don't want my team to fail miserably either. And my team is in the process of reinventing itself since an emergency has arisen for two of the members so I'm scrambling to find willing friends to join me.

And, I have an appointment this afternoon to meet a new ESL student that I am going to tutor. He's a businessman from Japan who wants to improve his English so I'm really looking forward to that. I'm really excited and happy to have this opportunity.

Now about the weight.... Yesterday I walked very briskly for an hour, the longest I have walked in a long time. And, the weight stayed the same. So focus, focus, focus, Sue! Enjoy all the craziness in your life right now, but stay focused! Small portions, exercise, healthy food, lots of water, eat slowly just to name a few of the things you need to keep in mind.

1 comment:

queenmabby said...

did you find new team members?

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