Sunday, March 20, 2011

174.0 You'd Think...

You'd think if you lost 80 pounds you'd always be happy. Why doesn't that happiness, that elation that I felt when I lost that weight still exist?

We had a great time with our friends and I think I'm just tired tonight. I probably shouldn't even bother to write tonight, but this isn't the first time I've felt this way. When I was losing, even though it was hard and there were ups and downs, there was that anticipation that if not today, maybe tomorrow I would see a lower weight. And, when I did I was so happy. And then there were compliments, and buying clothes in smaller sizes and now it's sort of routine.

Maybe that's why people put weight back on...the thrill is gone and now what can generate that same feeling of anticipation and excitement. I think I need to rethink getting a life!


Kathleen said...

I think this is normal. And it's true, it can be tempting to slip up now that you've lost the encouragement of compliments and constant dropped pounds. Don't let it get to you!
Also, you are more than your weight. You can be happy that you have achieved your goal, but there will always be other parts of your life that will give you ups and downs.
Maybe tomorrow will be brighter?

Kathleen said...

I think this is normal. And it's true, it can be tempting to slip up now that you've lost the encouragement of compliments and constant dropped pounds. Don't let it get to you!
Also, you are more than your weight. You can be happy that you have achieved your goal, but there will always be other parts of your life that will give you ups and downs.
Maybe tomorrow will be brighter?

Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Susan M Miller