Thursday, March 10, 2011

174.2 How Old is Old?

This weekend my oldest grandson Lennox is going to be 10 years old! I find that amazing, distressing, and unnerving. Obviously I adore this boy, but he simply can't be turning 10! That means that I am 10 years older than I was when he was born and that is just not possible. It also means that I might be getting old.

How old is old? I know it has a lot to your with your state of mind, but numbers are also involved. And I have a new granddaughter on the way who will arrive in June. Will her first ten years fly by as fast as Lennox's have? It is true that time does move faster as I am getting older, but now I'm ready for it all to slow down like the Merry-Go-Round as the ride is ending. But no, I don't really want the ride to end! What do I want? Plenty of time, that's all!

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