Saturday, October 30, 2010

174.4 A Solution?

I have a great friend who happens to be about ten years younger than I am. She's tiny, and she's contemplating having a tummy tuck. When she mentioned it, I was trying to figure out why she wanted it and where she hiding this tummy that she wanted tucked. Once she showed me what she was talking about, I could see why she might want to have it done.

So now I am starting to think that having a tummy tuck would solve all of my problems. I definitely could use a tummy tuck after losing all of this weight, but it would also solve the last 5 pounds problem! When I heard it would cost $10,000 (a real bargain compared to my estimate of $23,000 for a face-lift), I started rethinking this strategy. I think tucking a few less calories in my mouth over the next few weeks might be a much less painful solution and, maybe, with those 5 pounds gone, I won't be so sure I need a tummy tuck.

Also, I received three very thoughtful comments on yesterday's post. Although they were very different, I really appreciated each of them very much.

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