Tuesday, October 12, 2010

174.0 The Big So What and Wine!

It's interesting that when people ask me about my weight loss adventure (my words not theirs), the issue of wine often comes up. And, when I mention that I no longer drink wine (or any alcohol), they say they just couldn't dream of giving up the wine! I totally understand that attitude to a point. As you know, I decided that I couldn't continue to drink up to 3 glasses of wine every night and still care about how much and what I ate for dinner. For me it didn't work at all to drink and diet. Jennifer suggested that maybe I could have just one glass of wine and manage my eating with care and be able to make good decisions. I think that for some people that might work out very well.

My situation was not quite so simple. First of all, my glass of wine was not a 4 - 5 ounce glass of wine. Mine was closer to 7 or maybe 8 ounces. So by the time I had had 2 of my glasses I had already consumed around 375 to 400 calories. And, once I had done that, I knew I had blown any rational approach to eating less and ate as much as I wanted for dinner. Often we'd go out and I would have a glass of wine before being served dinner, and then, oh, what the heck, I'll have another, and maybe just one more with dinner was my attitude.

What I know is that some people can cut back, keep their wits about them and lose weight. After trying for a while and not succeeding, I just knew I couldn't.

But so what? The big so what is that you have to think about how important is it for you to get the weight off, not how important your wine is every night. Think about it. And here's the real zinger, why is the wine so important?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan,

I see your weight is coming down, and I'm sending you a big hug. YOU are doing great!.


Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Susan M Miller