Monday, September 21, 2009

Jennifer's Blog

I have mentioned Jennifer Scott in previous blogs, and today I want to introduce you to her blog.  Yes, blogs are everywhere, but I think hers will be of special interest to those of you who are reading this blog.  I met Jennifer about a year and a half ago when I was desperate to lose weight.  At that point my weight had reached an all time high and I was fearful that it would just keep climbing.   I had heard about hypnosis for weight loss and since I had tried every other possible alternative, I went on line and found Jennifer.   She has developed the weight loss process that I have been following that includes the tools I have written about throughout my blog.  In addition to sharing her weight loss program with me, she also helped me develop an awareness of the spiritual aspects of my life, that have played a very significant role in my weight loss success.    Without sounding too dramatic, I will simply say that besides losing weight, I am much happier, and enjoying life in a way I never thought possible.  So check out her blog.   You will even see some you-tube videos of another client and me talking about how this program has helped us at  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love your video's on Jennifer's site! You look fantastic, and make it all seem possible for the rest of us. Thanks!

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