Saturday, September 5, 2009

213.2 Big Thighs, and Night Hunger

When it rains, it pours. More good news! I have big thighs. In an article in the L.A. Times it was stated that big thighs may benefit the heart! Now I know why I was blessed with cankles. (See my blog posted on August 15th.) Think about it... Is it possible to have cankles and thin thighs? Maybe I am wrong on this point, but I am having a problem imagining that combination. (The good news is that if you have thin thighs, you can bulk them up with exercise and share in the benefit.)

My weight went up today and I am ballistic about it. I am a Chico's shopper now so it needs to go down, not up. The pants aren't so roomy that I can ignore this one day trend. I did have a shrimp and scallop
vegee stir fry for dinner and want to blame the salt in the recipe for the gain. But I just went back to my food log and there wasn't a trend toward weight gain as the result of eating that same stir fry. Could the big spoonful of peanut butter at 10 pm have played into it? Well, as one of my followers would say, "DUH! It probably didn't help." I have been struggling with feeling very hungry at about 10 every night, no matter what I eat for dinner. For a while I was taking an apple to bed with me (very romantic, I know) so that it was there beside me if I got hungry before sleep or during the night. Then I started taking two apples to bed, in case I should be really hungry! It's a good thing Jeff wears a sleep mask so he doesn't hear the chomping at 2 am. And why did I think that there was some magic inherent in apples that meant that the added calories wouldn't matter? Finally, I stopped that craziness and have started to go get some peanut butter when the hunger pains strike. Do any of you have, let's call it, the night hunger syndrome? How do you handle it? I am really looking for help on this.

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