Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I have never been someone who loves exercise.  Growing up, I almost always walked to school, which was about 2 miles each way, but I never thought of it as exercise, just something I did everyday.  Since I started walking in April as a part of my weight loss program, walking has become more and more just something I do everyday.  It didn't start out that way.  I would hem and haw about it, asking myself if it wasn't too hot, if my back didn't hurt too much, if going to the grocery store wouldn't accomplish the same thing.  What 's changed is that walking, like weighing myself every morning, has become automatic.

We are in Boston this morning and I am going to walk...not outside like I do in Arizona, but in my favorite mall because it is cold and gray here.  Lots of people are at the mall just to walk.  You can tell who they are because they never change their pace, and they don't slow down as they walk by Neiman Marcus and Nordstrom.  I do let my eyes scan the window displays so I know whether I want to go back and check something out when I am finished with my walk.  It's serious business and there is a spirit of comraderie among the walkers even though they walk by themselves. I feel like I belong to a very special group.

My next post will be from somewhere in Italy.  I am very excited, and yes, I did bring Willie Nelson with me.


Kathleen said...

I meet the walkers when I go to the malls because I always show up very early. You could also just keep walking by the store until you know what you're looking at!

Have the best time in Italy!

Anonymous said...

Hurray for walking by Nordies without splurging! Hurray for walking by Sal de Terre without splurging!

I've reread it all today because I miss you. You are really helping me stay on track. Thank you!

Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Susan M Miller