Thursday, October 27, 2011

184.3 Good News Or Bad News?

I don't know if I am sad or glad about this item in the NY Times:

On the one hand, I don't feel like such a failure because I have put some of my lost weight back on. On the other hand, it makes me really sad to think that there is this (albeit a small sample) evidence that there are factors out of my control that have played into this situation.

I know it's a long, wordy article that basically says our bodies want to return to our old habits and our habitual metabolism after weight loss, that that doesn't change, in addition to the fact that the hormone leptin wreaks havoc with our systems and therefore regaining the weight is somewhat inevitable.

For now my response is that I will fight to at the least stay at this weight, and at best, get rid of it all over again. Ah, let's hear it for the amazing weight loss adventure. Who knew it would end with this new knowledge?


Kathleen said...

This may be a little true, in that it isn't all false. But it sounds to me like it's a convenient excuse for returning to old habits. You have to keep trying or it definitely will not happen. Of course, I haven't read the article yet... maybe I should go do that.

priscilla said...

It may be new knowledge; then again, it could be something that two years from now will be changed!

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