Wednesday, October 5, 2011

182.3 A Lot To Think About

My last post was about the man collapsing at the Y while working out. I walked in my neighborhood yesterday rather than returning to the Y - I know, I will get over it - and I realized that if I collapsed where I was walking (except very close to my house) not many people would know me. So I really do need to get some form of ID to wear when I exercise. But isn't that what old people do? Or, maybe it's what smart people do. As my 69th birthday approaches, I have lots to think about. I never really thought about all I'd have to think about as my age increases. But on the other hand, there are so many good things to think about. No matter, I should get an ID.

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

I used to run by the Charles when I worked in Cambridge, and more than once I would wonder what would happen if I passed out, got hit by car, grabbed by a stranger, etc. Having ID on you is always a good idea. I used to carry my work ID in a little pocket in my shorts. (I needed it to get into the building, anyway.)

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