Sunday, May 22, 2011

175.6 Charlee Chooses Healthy!

I've decided that when Jeff and I leave our little dog Charlee home alone, she listens to Jennifer Scott's hypnosis CDs. She must! Today when we came in from church, plant shopping, and grocery shopping, I was starving. I opened up a small bag of sugar snap peas, a favorite snack food of mine, and took out a heart shaped chicken dog treat (Newman's finest) for Charlee. She wanted the peas. I put one of each on the floor and she ran off with the pea pod. I knew she liked them, but not to the exclusion of the organic chicken flavored dog treat! She's into healthy eating, obviously!

And so the salt saga continues. I dropped down again this morning, and was glad to see that. And, so it goes!

1 comment:

philso said...

I now weigh 209, down 40# since Valentine's Massacre.
Sugar snap peas? Howie disdains them but likes grapes.
I am going to do the Dukan's diet this week to get to my goal of 205. That and exercise and I'm a free floating flier.
Have a bunch of electronics for Teddy, he and I may meet in St louis for the transfer.
Be well and you go, girl!


Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Susan M Miller