Thursday, May 19, 2011

176.4. It's Up To Me

The travel weight is coming off, thank goodness, but I have a lot of traveling/being away from home plans this summer. I need to really focus now on how I am going to manage this maintenance lifestyle while I'm away.

Most of my time away will be with family and they are all very supportive of what I'm doing. I'm the problem! Rather than have anyone cook, I'm too quick to suggest that we eat out, and I need to reign that response in. They are all good cooks! I can cook, Jeff can cook, our kids can cook, their partners can cook. Even four year old Julien (in the picture) thinks he can cook.

What is quite amazing to me is how quickly this weight is coming off in spite of the fact that the exercise piece is fleeting during this period of time. (That will be featured in another post once I come up with a good excuse :) ). And what that shows me is the damage that salt and wine can do.

I really am looking forward to these trips to visit our son's family, to visit our daughters, their guys, and pets, and to welcome our granddaughter due sometime in late June! Oh, and to go to the wedding of the daughter of very dear friends! It's all up to me to stay smart and in control of what I eat and drink. If I can lose 80 pounds, I can do this!

1 comment:

lynseym said...

Look at our guy!! :)

See you very soon!!

Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Susan M Miller