Sunday, May 29, 2011

177.0 Phil Did It!

My brother-in-law just wrote me about his recent weight loss - 40 pounds lost since the middle of February. He's an impressive guy and I really admire him for facing the music and getting the weight off. He's done it in a totally different way than I did. And, I think each of us has to find our way in this world of weight loss. I had written and asked him to describe how he had lost the weight to share with all of you. Here's what he wrote:
"Yo Sue!
re: my weight loss. Started with stringent Atkins for 10 days, then modified it with the Dukan's diet and South Beach without cheating on the 'forbidden' stuff in each of the three. After while it was easy because my gut had shrunken enough to fill easily. I drank lots of water, limited my wine consumption to only one daily (or none) or just have a whiff of it. No hard liquor which I seldom do anyway, no sweets, and ate lots of eggs. Greek yogurt with fruit was the dessert. Have had probably five glasses of beer since Feb 15 when I began the diet.
This is my renaissance year. I turn 80 and I do not want to be a fat old man, since I was not a fat young man. I weighed 207 this morning after a nice eating period yesterday. I will get to 200 soon and then I will review how I feel and look. 205 was my goal.
I get lots of positive feedback, esp. from P and that's helpful. I am wearing clothes that haven't fit for 10 years. A new wardrobe without visiting Men's Wearhouse (I guarantee it!) or JOSEPH A BANK for the twofers.
Thanks for the help!"

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