Thursday, May 5, 2011

175.4 Tenacious

Today was my last day until next fall to teach my ESL class. It's been the best year that I've had there because I allowed my inner spirit to open my heart to each of my students in a much more personal way.

After telling my friend Sally all about my class, the inspiration that I receive from being with these wonderful people and how determined they are to learn English no matter what their age, she reminded me that she had a framed photograph in her home that she had taken and entitled Tenacious. She said that she thought it would be wonderful to share the photo with my students and she made up twenty note cards with the photo on the front for me to give them today.

They loved receiving the photo. Several of them said that they would put it where it could be seen first thing in the morning. They were touched by the fact my friend had done this for them. And they are a tenacious group, determined to keep trying to master this wonderfully difficult language that we speak so easily.

So thank you Sally, for the thought, the time, and the cards. You made a big difference in many lives today, an important and positive difference.

And, yes, being tenacious has played a big part in my weight loss adventure and now the maintenance phase. I've kept one of the cards for myself. I don't think Sally will mind.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the picture and the idea. Sally is great and so are you! Just came back from my doggie Cinco de Mayo party which was fabulous. Even though the police tried to shut us down we tenaciously have kept our community going and thoroughly enjoyed our festivities tonight. Doggies were happy and so were we.

Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Susan M Miller