Thursday, January 21, 2010

198.4 Rain, Rain, Go Away

I am acting like a spoiled brat about the rain. We have had 4 days of off and on rain, and except for today, mostly off. But if you could read my mind you would think I lived in London and never saw the sun. Hello!!! I live in Arizona because of the good weather, and it seems that I just can't take rain anymore. Actually, I think weather played a big part in my eating too much and unconsciously when I lived in the midwest and in the Boston area. The gray does something to my emotions and in the past that meant a lunch of soup, grilled cheese sandwiches (yes, read sandwiches plural), or grilled ham and cheese, and of course, a sweet to finish off the meal because after all, the weather was so horrible. Also, when the weather is horrible unless you have to leave your house, don't you tend to stay home and cook or maybe bake? I definitely used to. I wonder if this is unique to me or if a lot of people find comfort in food on rainy days.

This time around I am working hard to stay away from those old habits triggered by the gray days. I have actually been busy helping Jeff set up a wine tasting event at our house. No, you're right, I don't drink wine anymore, but I may have a sip or two just to see what I think about a few of the choices. But so many things are different now and I just don't miss the food and wine of the past, or the frequent gray days.

Exercise update~I was going to do 10 minutes on the treadmill because, well, it's raining, but instead listened to my inner spirit and kept going until I had done 17 minutes. Setting higher goals for myself exercise-wise may be a new way to go!

1 comment:

priscilla said...

I love to cook on rainy or snowy days! I've started making stocks and soups instead of chocolate chip cookies. It satisfies my inner little home maker but doesn't add calories. You were smart to do your exercise too. On bad days I tend to think about curling up with a book and a few dozen cookies. The treadmill knocks that right out of me.

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