Thursday, January 7, 2010

199.4 Mom, How Did You Do It?

Here we go, finally. I am feeling better, but just couldn't seem to get it together until now.

Remember the story of the shoemaker whose children had no shoes? Well, I felt a little like that today when my daughter Miranda called and we both realized that she didn't really know what I had done to lose almost 50 pounds, and what I do on a daily basis that helps me keep on tract and continuing to lose. And, I just realized that new people check out my blog all the time, and unless they are diligent about reading each entry :}, they will not know the basics. So here's the post about the basics for Miranda and any others of you who may have missed this posting:
You'll have to cut and paste, but think it will be worth the time.

Another bit of information ~ my email address I would love to hear from any of you via my email address so that I can just get to know who you are and why you are following the blog. You can ask me anything about the blog, the weight loss program or anything else you are curious about. I have a hunch that incorporating your thoughts, questions, etc., will make it a more interesting blog for everyone. I don't have access to any of your email addresses, even if you are a follower, so it is not possible to be in touch with you other than through comments unless you email me. So, I would love to hear from anyone who finds their way to this blog. And, I will always keep your name and email address confidential as well as any content that you don't want shared.

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Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Susan M Miller