Saturday, January 30, 2010

194.4 Thinking About Things!

You know, yesterday was quite magical. First of all, Linda's announcement that she had lost two pounds was surprising because, although she had asked me how I lost weight, I didn't realize that she had committed herself to start. The other thing that I keep thinking about is the fact that I had taken my camera with me yesterday morning. I maybe have taken it 2 or 3 times when I have gone out walking. Most of the pictures that I have put on the blog were taken after seeing something that struck me as blog material :) and I have gone back to get the picture. But yesterday, I was out the door and then something told me to go back and grab the camera. And, then about half way through our walk, we met the woman with her well disciplined dog. I hadn't seen her for 2 or 3 weeks. I don't always walk at the same time, and I don't always walk the same route. So I like to think that my inner spirit nudged me to bring my camera along. I'm so glad I paid attention.

A few things I do that I want to share.... A wonderful treat is something I often eat for breakfast or lunch. After I spread some peanut butter on my toast, I often add some fresh blackberries with a little sugar or Splenda on them and think I have died and gone to heaven. The texture of the fresh berries is wonderful and the combination is so delicious I feel like I have had a real treat. If you live in a cold climate and want a little hot chocolate, try Swiss Miss diet mix and add a little fat free cream along with the boiling water. It's perfect. Something else that I have just started doing as I am dropping weight faster than usual is eating an apple and an orange before bed. I think the fiber does wonders for me and I certainly don't wake up during the night feeling hungry. Each of these things is working for me, but I always have to keep in mind what else I have eaten or plan to eat during a given day. Oh, one more thing. Today we are going to go to the movies and I"ll take my Newman's Own "Pop's Corn", Light Butter and my own drink. All the temptation to buy food there will be gone and I will have saved a lot of calories and money! Planning ahead is a good thing! Hope you are having a great weekend!


priscilla said...

Thanks for the treat tips. The cold weather ones are particularly useful right now! I drink Alpine sugar free apple cider: it comes in packets, you add hot water, and feel very comforted.

Susan's Losin' said...

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Interestingly, has left a new comment on your post "194.4 Thinking About Things!":

Exciting a good article ~ ~.

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