Wednesday, January 13, 2010

no scale Easy Strider!

We are home and oh, does the sunshine feel good after those 3 days in cold (about 24 degrees during the day), gray, Indiana. We used to live in Indiana. In fact, we lived there for about 4 1/2 years. No, I have never missed the weather in Indiana!

I just returned from having a therapeutic massage. It does hurt, but it also helps. It loosens up those muscles of mine that want to form tight, hard, clumps all over my body. Yes, there are some things about me that are very special.:) But it really does help as do the frequent chiropractic adjustments. I was telling Jeff recently that the compliments I really love to hear are about how much better I move. I knew after my first surgery that I couldn't walk like I had before the surgery, but after a while, I thought maybe no one noticed that I didn't walk with ease. And, it always caught me off guard when I was asked if I needed help out in the grocery store. I guess I was only fooling myself.

So now that we are back home, it is time for me to get out and walk! I can, it's good for me, and, now I can walk more normally. No, I don't miss those 50 pounds, either.

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