Tuesday, January 19, 2010

197.4 It's All About The Pants!

You know what is really a part of this weight loss adventure as much as anything? Tight pants, or loose pants! As I lose more weight I am either wearing pants that are unfashionably loose, or, a little on the tight side. Tonight I am wearing a new pair of pants and yes, they are a little tight, but mostly feel that way because I have been wearing rather loose pants. So what does all this mean? It's working! Having a tighter pair to work toward fitting into is great motivation, and it feels great to be able to zip up a pair that would not zip when purchased.

I am working hard to not be complacent and to keep in the losing mode. My weight did pop up a little this morning, and because we are going out tonight, I will focus on staying very present about what I actually eat so that it will move back down. Oh, and today, are you ready, 14 1/2 minutes on the elliptical! Onward and downward!


priscilla said...

Your pants observations have inspired me. I read your blog after having a stupidly unconscious bowl of ice cream (yeah, it was low calorie slow churned but I wasn't hungry!) and have regained some resolve.

Joanne Jones said...

14 1/2 minutes is great! Just think of the progress you have made on the elliptical alone! I am so happy for you - especially for all the wonderful things you are now able to do! Love, Joannie

NFL Shop said...

Oh,my god!If i am persistent as u,i'm sure the heavy weight is far away from me for a long time.

Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Susan M Miller