Monday, August 24, 2009

217.5 It's All Water!

Isn't it? I have decided that I am not fat. I have decided that I retain a lot of fluid, so much so that diuretics are helpless against the tide. Well, maybe a little of it is fat, but I kind of like the idea that I am different from most fat people, and that my weight is all about fluid. In fact I am so sure of this, that I have made a point to be very careful around people who sew or knit. If I should bump into any kind of needle, the force of the water could be disastrous. Are you buying this? I'm not either, but it was fun while I wrote it.

Today, my friend Kathleen introduced a new blog that she is writing, called Fleen Goin Green. Click on the Among the Savages link and you can read all about it. If I were better at this blogging stuff I could have copied and pasted her site within this blog, but I will learn how to do that tomorrow. And, to post pictures. But anyway, the thing that caught my eye in her introduction to going green, was about taking baby steps. First of all, my favorite movie is "What About Bob?" He was all about taking baby steps to become independent from his shrink, or at least that's how I remember it. If you've never seen it, rent it and laugh! And, check out Kathleen's blogs. She is my blog inspiration.

Some days when my weight goes up a little, or, here's that ugly word, plateaus, I think about some of the more radical diets I have been on, the quick weight loss diets. But then I remember that I regained the weight almost as quickly as I lost it. I believe that this is going to work as I continue to stay on track. I can do this. Just like Bob and Kathleen (Fleen), I am taking baby steps that will eventually lead me to my goal.

1 comment:

queenmabby said...

I love What About Bob - "take a vacation from your problems!". great movie!! and great blogging post!!

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