Sunday, August 23, 2009

216.5 Going Up? Going Down?

If you are old enough, you'll remember elevator operators in department stores. In those days, it was assumed that the average American would not be able to press a button with a number on it that corresponded to the floor you wished to stop on. I can still see that uniformed man or woman asking if I were "Going down?" or "Going up?". It was a big day when we went to "the city" to shop at the City of Paris. Yes, that was the name of one of my mother's favorite department stores in San Francisco. We would drive the 30 miles from my hometown of Palo Alto once or twice a year to shop there. Oh, and to use the gold fixtures in the women's rest rooms. Maybe one of my sisters will remind me what that was all about!

If you are tracking my weight, you'll see that it hasn't been going up or going down over the past few days. Once again, it has sort of leveled off. I am okay with that, and realize that it will continually go up a little and come down even more as I continue this process. You've heard that little quip, "Enough about me. What do you think about me?" This is about me, but I hope it is also about all of you who are trying to establish a new relationship with food. So tomorrow, will I hear that voice from my past asking if I am going up or going down? I will, because of my daily weigh in. But I am learning to appreciate that voice because I know I need to know how I am doing.

These have been wonderful days with our grandsons. Their laughter, serious questions, love of jokes, and unexpected hugs are precious gifts. We played Sardines today, and basketball, and Ants in the Pants, and read stories, and went swimming together. How much fun can one grandma have in a day? This grandma values these times more that I can say.

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