Wednesday, August 31, 2011

180.6 Just Wondering...

Briefly :), today I went to a foot specialist because I have had a fungus under my big toenail, and, even though I have taken a 6 month RX of Lamosil, it is still lovin' livin' with me. So the doctor told me in 5 different ways that I had 3 choices of what to do about it. I felt like a smart kindergartner. I got it the first time through the options, but he kept repeating himself. Is this behavior because he sees an older woman who probably isn't all there? Or, does it look like I just don't get it? This was not rocket science. I tried my mirroring skills and said "so you are saying..." and he still kept repeating my options. You'll be delighted to know that I have chosen the option of doing nothing since a little toe fungus never hurt anyone unless they have an at risk immune system. So far, at least, that doesn't pertain to me. In fact, early on, in the conversation, we agreed that I didn't need to be concerned with an inadequate immune system. Sometimes, I just shake my head, on purpose :). ( I do have a little head tremor, but that's another post!)


Kathleen said...

Maybe it's just the way this doctor is, repeating himself but thinking he's explaining. I used to have teachers who, when asked to explain something or clarify something, would just repeat themselves using the exact same language - not very helpful, if you didn't get it the first time.

queenmabby said...

stupid doctor! sounds like you made a great decision!

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