Saturday, August 20, 2011

179.0 Where Is It?

I've been spending the last couple of days with a good friend who also lost a lot of weight and like me has regained some of it. She agreed with me that for some reason it seems hard to re-envision how we lost the weight. Where did the magic, the power go that allowed us to know exactly how to manage food, temptation, etc., like we did a short time ago. Where did it go?

We really hashed it out. She was on a much stricter program of real deprivation while she lost her weight and once she "lost" it - the weight and the mental power - she just started eating out of control, and hit the ice cream really hard! I really haven't done that. I think I've just added more calories with larger portions of usually healthy food so that I've slowly put weight on. I thought it was interesting that we both felt like we'd been abandoned by whatever it was that allowed us to eat so carefully and lose weight. And what exactly was it? Desire to lose weight, need, challenge? Who knows, but I sense it was all three and I think we both want to rediscover that magic!

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