Friday, July 22, 2011

179.0 Blissfully Uncomplicated

That's probably a crazy title for this post, but things seem simpler now, not so scary and complicated. Yes, I have severe osteoarthritis in my neck causing impingement on some of the nerves that I perceive as numbness, hair on my face, little things like that :). But the MRI came back with that information so I'm feeling good because it is what I expected. So now I'm in the process of figuring out the next steps so I can take care of this. These decisions may be a little complicated, but since I've been through similar things with my back, I can deal with it.

Because now I totally understand what is going on, I went over and did the elliptical for a grand total of 26 minutes, and I'll do my pool workout in a few minutes. (It was funny... when I didn't know, I didn't want to do much exercise. I was a little off kilter!) So life is getting back to normal and for that I am very thankful.

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