Saturday, June 11, 2011

177.0 Playing The Waiting Game

I asked my husband Jeff if he had any ideas about what I could write about today. He suggested writing about how we are relating to the Dr. Suess story of Horton Hatches The Egg. We are waiting for our daughter Miranda to have her baby and we have absolutely no control over when this will happen. And, she has no control over the baby's arrival either. It's funny about how much we think we control in our lives and yet so much is out of our control. Miranda has told the baby that she can come any time now. Everything is ready and everyone is ready, especially Miranda! But just like in the Dr. Suess tale, Miranda and we are at the whim of the baby.

It's very exciting and one of the reasons I wanted to lose all of this weight was so that I could play with my grandchildren, really enjoy being engaged with them in their activities. There are some things I still can't do because of my back, but more importantly, there are lots of things I can now participate in with my grandsons. And now I am ready to hold, and love this new dear one. Come on Baby. We are ready to give you a joyous welcome!

1 comment:

queenmabby said...

come on baby!!! any day now...

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