Tuesday, June 28, 2011

176.4. Trying to Make Sense of It!

Sometimes I wonder whether it's me or everyone else. Food issues aren't all consuming on this trip but I am trying to stay the course. So the other night we ended up at a little tavern as it called itself and after wading through myriad hamburger variations, pizza choices, wraps, sandwiches, and so on, I settled on what was listed as the bunless burger with a small green salad. Sounds like a decent choice, right? Well, I thought so and just laughed out loud when it was placed in front of me. Yes, the burger was bunless but I could hardly see it because it was overwhelmed by enough French fries to solve the hunger problem in America! Wouldn't you think that someone who wanted a bunless burger would also want to be in a French fry free zone?

My brother in law Phil sent this link to an interesting article that I want to share. The article and the video are worth the time.

Susannah is thriving and once I can get to a computer rather than this iPad I'll post more pictures!

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