Wednesday, November 24, 2010

170.8 Eat...Shop...Eat...Shop...

Yesterday I experienced a new kind of road rage. I think that's what it was. A woman wanted to cut in between me and the car in front of me as she made a left turn. Since I had the right of way, I really didn't consider stopping to allow her maneuver. Well, she didn't care and went tearing through the very limited space between me and the other car, and as she drove by my horror stricken face, she gave me a huge, wild, somewhat distorted grin and waved at me! It was really something. I couldn't decide if she was on drugs or thought she was cute or what! I was also very glad she hadn't hit my car.

But what's really funny was my reaction to being scared. I immediately thought that I should either eat or shop. So my mind ricocheted between the two - to shop or to eat! I had to do something to settle my jangled nerves. You'll be happy to know that that thankfully Chico's was a block away. Remember, I suggested you buy Chico's stock. If you did, I'm sure you've seen a very positive return! I, on the other hand, can no longer afford to buy Chico's stock!

It is interesting how our emotions can regulate our behavior especially in stressful situations. Let's hear it for shopping!

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