I put this picture up for a little extra push. I remember the day and event we were celebrating when this was taken, and here's the amazing thing! I thought I looked great! If you're gasping in shock, that's okay. My point is that I really deluded myself about my weight for a long time. This was taken in 1999!
I'm not sure if delusion plays a big role in the lives of heavy people in general, but it surely was alive and well in me for many, many years. And, as I go through pictures of me taken during this weight loss journey, I do remember all along the way thinking how good I looked in comparison to how I looked in other photos.
So I think it will be important for me to make an album of these pictures of me at various weights so that I don't fall prey to this most excellent ability I seem to have developed. Delusion has to be replaced with reality, awareness, and the desire to stay slender, feel younger, and be healthier. You know that saying, "a picture is worth a thousand words"? Maybe so, but only if the viewer is grounded in reality!
You are so close! I'm really excited for you!!
You are so close!!! and even though you may disagree, you have always been beautiful. you were in a very different place in almost every possible way at that time. so maybe try to love who you are now as well as loving and forgiving the person you were is just as important as anything else in this process. maybe that's just the social worker in me though:)
you can do it!!!
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