Monday, November 14, 2011

The Duh Factor

This morning I "ran" (those of you who know me know I can't run) into Starbucks for a cup of coffee. A younger woman, maybe 40 to 45, held up a packaged egg salad sandwich and asked me if it would be a good choice since she had just learned that her cholesterol was too high and her doctor wanted her to watch what she ate. She probably heard way too much information in response to her question. (TMI, as my girls used to warn me). And here is where the duh factor come in. It is not about her, but shouldn't her doctor have educated her about good food choices. Wasn't there a list of good food choices available to the doctor to give patients, or even a web site the doctor could have shared with her to get this information? It was a funny encounter because every food choice I suggested to her, for example turkey, fruit, she immediately said she hated those things. Finally I told her I had been to a hypnotherapist to help me want to eat healthy food. That just about put her over the top. I did show her how to read the nutrition label on the package. Maybe the duh factor applies to her also?

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

It sounds like she had already made up her mind, if she immediately shot down your suggestions. It's a great strategy, because it absolves her of all responsibility. She didn't LIKE anything else, and she had no CHOICE but to eat the egg sandwich. It's not her FAULT.
I get a little snooty (I think) when it comes to things like this, because I think some people don't really want to try, they want an excuse not to try.

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