Wednesday, September 14, 2011


No, I'm not posting my weight today. I don't think I have ever not posted it. But it's too painful to acknowledge. On the other hand, I had an absolutely wonderful time with my family on the east coast. No, I didn't binge, I didn't go crazy, and we didn't eat out all of the time. But being away from home gets me out of my routine and "that's" what happens.

I am on Twitter and constantly get invited to follow various Twitter sites. This morning I checked one out and loved this quote that read: "The road to success is always under construction". Lily Tomlin is credited with this quote. I doubt she had weight loss/maintenance on her mind when she wrote it, but I find it comforting.

And, we are traveling again but just for a couple of days. We will be attending the memorial service of a dear friend from our UCLA days. In fact, he and his wife introduced Jeff and me to each other. We are saddened by this loss. So, there will be some days without a post.

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