Wednesday, September 21, 2011

182.2 Back In Familiar Territory

At least I am back in familiar territory and life is beginning to return to some sort of normal routine. I met Jennifer for breakfast as we usually try to do on Wednesdays so that piece is back in place after 3 weeks of missing it. She's a great friend and knows how to help me become grounded and looking forward. Thanks, Jennifer.

I was talking to my chiropractor this morning about the challenges of food/weight gain when traveling. He then confessed he gained 12 pounds in one Thanksgiving Day celebration. He blamed it on the wine and salt. I've heard that one before! He may hold a record. I have yet to gain 12 pounds on a trip or during a holiday and am counting on that never happening.

So life looks good today, very good. Thanks to all who wrote notes of condolence regarding the loss of our friend. Your caring and reaching out has been greatly appreciated by Jeff and me.

1 comment:

priscilla said...

I'm glad you're finding some equilibrium Sue. Keep at it. Salt: I had about 3/4 c. of mac n' cheese at a KC watering hole last night. I could taste the salt and my weight went up 1 1/2 lbs. Not exactly 12, but it does have an effect.

Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Susan M Miller