Thursday, December 16, 2010

171.0 Seasons in Arizona

You know, a lot of people tell me they could never live in Arizona because they love the four seasons. Well, today we are having fall/winter all wrapped up in one day. And, that's plenty for me. It has been raining steadily but not heavily since I got up this morning. We haven't seen the sun once and it is dark and gloomy and cold. Okay, well, it's 53 degrees. I do suffer from SADD, depression from gray and gloomy so this hasn't been one of my favorite days. But because it is Arizona, I know it won't last. When we were in Boston last week it was like this for all the days we were there. I sound like a spoiled brat and I probably am about this topic, but only this one :).

I used to eat almost continually on days like this, thinking that hot cocoa and cookies would make everything better. I have definitely learned that food does not make things better, unless you haven't eaten for a long time. Then I recommend it highly!

Anyway, hope your day has been bright and sunny, if not warm.

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