Saturday, December 4, 2010

170.6 Giving Back

Today I was tested, and I passed! At the library craft sale toward the end of the 5 hour stint, I was offered homemade candy and cookies! Without hesitating I said, "No thanks, I can't eat sweets." I don't know what the lovely teenagers who were bringing the goodies around to all of the vendors thought my affliction might be, but after I thanked them, they smiled and moved on to the next table.

So what was going on with me? Absolutely nothing except the truth. Well, my truth. Of course I can eat sweets but I really had no interest in eating what was offered. It did look good, but that good old inner voice spoke up and that was that. My big fear that I would be consumed with cravings and yearnings for all of the things I used to eat all the time has simply not materialized. For that I am extremely grateful.

And now I get to help a friend who wants lose some weight. That's a gift for me. It's about giving back and I'm delighted to have the chance. We're planning to walk together, we'll talk about the journey she is now on, and I know she'll succeed.

(One of my cheerleaders throughout this weight loss thought my blog readers should know I now wear a size one top at Chico's! In this case, my fears have been realized. The bosom is gone!)

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