Monday, April 2, 2012

Much Ado About Nothing?

After spending much of the day making the jewelry to wear last night, I didn't wear it or the outfit I had planned. Much ado about nothing, perhaps, but I was glad to be doing my jewelry thing even if I didn't wear it. I wore a black outfit I had never worn and a necklace and earrings my sister Priscilla had bought for me in Italy. What was really sweet was that through all the flurry of trying to decide what to wear my dear husband of 47 years said all the right things, like I think you have some things that are more becoming instead of you look fat in that outfit :). And as we sat across from each other during dinner he mouthed that I looked beautiful a couple of times. I woman I didn't know well saw him and asked me what he had said! It was funny and fun.

Okay, what I'm not saying is that I really got upset because when I was slimmer, I loved putting on clothes and I loved how I looked, then. Now, since I've gained some of the weight back (it's as if it is right around me waiting to jump back on my body :)) it's not such a joyful experience.

And finally, I'm still pain free and so grateful for that!

1 comment:

queenmabby said...

WOO HOO for pain free!!!! and you are always beautiful:)

Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Susan M Miller