Saturday, March 31, 2012

To Good To Be True

This blog has a life of it's own. I tried to let it go, but heard from several of my readers/friends that they missed it, why wasn't I writing anymore, etc. This morning I called my college friend Barb who had just checked in and found out that I was writing again. And my dear Russian student that I met in my ESL class (and who has since returned to Russia) wrote me that she had been checking my blog to see if I was writing it. So here I am on a Saturday night, writing a post and it feels good.

My leg and back pain are still gone! I am so relieved. Today I read in the doctor's list of do's and don't's that I probably won't notice improvement until 2 - 5 days after the injection(s). I noticed it right away so now I'm uptight that it will disappear after 2 to 5 days. I know that's silly but it all seems too good to be true.

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