Sunday, December 18, 2011

185.2 Writing Again!

I've been off track with the blog and with my own writing for a long time now. What I've noticed is if I get off track with one thing, things seem to cascade into chaos on all fronts. I lose focus on eating, exercise, organization in my office, writing for fun - it all goes away. So I'm trying to get it all back. My office is in much better shape out of necessity as we get ready for Christmas and the arrival of all of our children and grandchildren. My food choices and amounts seem to be taking care of themselves. This morning I made only a 1/4 cup of oatmeal instead of the 1/2 cup that is considered a serving on the box, and ended up not finishing that. I was full, I felt full which is still a big deal for me because I'm not always aware of how I feel. Exercise is still not really on track since I've been in trouble with my right hip and assorted other aches and pains, but nothing too serious. Tomorrow I'll make an appointment to see my physical therapist and get that problem solved. So, I wonder if my chaos issues are pretty common, that cascading chaos is what happens to most of us when one thing gets out of control?

We had a great time in Hawaii, by the way. I was able to go snorkeling twice when the water was fairly calm. I hadn't been snorkeling since all of my back issues befell me starting in 2003, so that was a big deal to be able to do that. The Big Island was full of hidden treasures ~ beaches, restaurants, vistas, lectures, etc. We visited the Place Botanical Garden which is owned and operated by my nephew's wife's father and it was amazingly beautiful and her father's dream come true.

I admit that this is really an odd time for me to make a commitment to start writing more regularly but I do want to reconnect with this part of me and with you.

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

I'm so glad you're back! This time of year I stop running and start baking / eating. I need your reminders to help myself be more mindful and in tune with myself so I can make the right choices.
Besides, I'm nosey and just like knowing what you're up to!

Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Susan M Miller