Thursday, December 22, 2011

185.0 Well, How About That!

Being active has a a lot to do with weight, loss or gain. I think I've been really busy with the grandsons, and for some reason, I'm just not so hungry as usual. How cool is that?

Tonight we went to a local Mexican restaurant and I was able to order a mahi-mahi entree that was really delicious but so spicy hot that I couldn't come close to finishing it.

I spent a lot of time at the grocery store today, two separate trips in fact. One was alone, which was good so I had some quiet time, and one was with my son, which was really nice since we are alone together so rarely.

Tomorrow Lynsey, Ted's very special girlfriend, arrives as do our daughter Alee and her fiance Scott. Things will get even more lively. I wrote a friend that we have a real Family Circus going on here and it's truly a case of the more the merrier. Did I write that I asked my husband how we ever raised three children and stayed sane? Youth definitely has its advantages.

Yes, weight is still so important. I'm having more back issues than I've had in a long time, and so I am more determined than I've been over this past year to lose these 15 pounds. Fifteen is better than 18 that I brought home from Hawaii with me. I"m wondering if that will help my back or if age is also playing a role in what is going on. We shall see, but no matter the real culprit, the less I weigh, the better.

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