Friday, April 9, 2010

189.8 I'm Engaged!

I'm engaged! No, I don't have a new boyfriend. I have been happily married for almost 46 years! But today I went over to our community center workout room and got on the elliptical for the first time in about a month. (During that month we traveled to Memphis and I developed a respiratory infection that loved living with me and didn't want to leave!) So, because I hadn't been on it recently, I was very fearful that I would experience a difficult return. (See Climbing Mt. Everest 11/20/09.) To further complicate the decision to give it a try was that this morning as I was trying to put a leg into my jeans, I lost my balance and twisted my rather temperamental back.

So I started listening to the Mamma Mia soundtrack, climbed on the elliptical and it was as if I had never been away from it. I had decided to aim for 15 minutes and then I kept extending my time on it. I ended up doing it for almost 25 minutes and it was easy, fun, and engaging.

More good I get to return to my pool and my water therapy. The pool heat pump has been repaired, the sun is shining and I can hardly wait to re-engage with my water exercises. Maybe that dream of playing golf again is going to become a reality sooner than I thought.

I'm also smiling because I am back in the "80s"!

1 comment:

priscilla said...


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