Thursday, December 17, 2009

202.0 Reward System Revealed!

I finally went Christmas shopping. I have bought several things online, but today was the first day I faced shopping in stores. It was really quite eerie. I didn't have to wait long to get checked out, people were available to help me, and except for the Andrea Bocelli Christmas CD I wanted, I found perfect gifts for several people.

As I was waiting to get checked out my eyes fell upon all the candy bar choices (I was at Target) and I had a major flash back to the time when I would buy a candy bar every time I went to the grocery store. This was several years ago when I didn't want my kids to see me eating candy or Jeff, for that matter. It was a little reward system I set up for myself, sort of like a frequent flyer point system. The more times I shopped for the family, the more often I could have a candy bar. I am really aware of the addictive qualities of certain foods now and I know that an addiction to chocolate was well established. That chocolate that we had at the Bellagio triggered it all over again. I find myself thinking that I want some chocolate, after not having that message running around rampant in my mind for a long time. So, the next time I am tempted to take a piece of chocolate I am going to try to remember that it will be a little like uranium, having many half lives until I can get it completely out of my system.

By the way, I am delighted that Jeff's birthday dessert hasn't come back around to haunt me. I wonder why....


Anonymous said...

...maybe it's because of the increase in exercise? Keep noticing what works how & when. As you now know, the purpose of the scale is to trigger information from the day before of what you've eaten and had to drink. And notice how long it takes before certain signs show up.

Jeff Miller said...

I am being haunted. It hasn't come round to haunt you 'cause I ate most of that scrumptious rum cake and ice cream! Having birthdays is tough.

priscilla said...

I went to a potluck dinner tonight.There were all kinds of rich, delicious food on the tables and I was HUNGRY. But I channeled Losin' Susan and took tiny bits of things. It worked! Thanks Sue!

Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Susan M Miller