Wednesday, May 18, 2011

176.8 Now That's Better

And, my mood is better, even though it is a gray, rainy day here. I watched every mouthful yesterday and drank lots of water and feel much better today. One thing I certainly know is that eating out is a killer because of all of the hidden salt. In one of the places we stayed near Canyon de Chelly our restaurant choices were Burger King, 5 stars, and the Holiday Inn restaurant, 2 stars. There was no really good choice!

I met Jennifer at the Paradise Bakery this morning and she challenged me to think about what my purpose here on earth is all about, why do I think I am here. I think it is a good question for all of us to think about no matter what our age, and I don't have a quick answer. I do think my gifts, if I have any, are that of being a teacher and a mom! And, I think I can be effective as a teacher and a mom as long as I am here. But what am I going to teach? I will certainly continue teaching ESL, and there's no reason why I can't reach out and help others lose weight. I do know all about ups and downs and what works and what doesn't work when it comes to weight loss. I'm going to continue thinking about Jennifer's question and listen to my inner spirit to help me figure out more about my purpose.

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