Sunday, January 3, 2010

198.8 Barking Like A Seal

Down another pound and loving it! For the past couple of days I have felt like *^!# and today I gave into it and took a long nap. I'm not sure what it is, but I sound like a seal when I can make any noise at all. It's probably some wonderful bug I caught while flying home from Memphis. I was going to take Airborne but forgot. Next time I fly I will definitely take some. This isn't fun.

I'll be back tomorrow!


priscilla said...

Napping is a CRITICAL weight loss aid. I am DEADLY serious. But seriously, I am sorry you picked up a bug in Memphis. It's the same one we drove home with and it's not pretty. Sleep and think thin thoughts.

Also, I tried to comment yesterday about your resolution realization but the computer wouldn't cooperate. Anyway, here it is: you've had a resolution REVOLUTION!!!!!Hardeeharhar!!

Kathleen said...

I've had one of those for weeks! Feel better.

Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Susan M Miller